Sunday 29 July 2012

What is SEO?

What is SEO

First of all what is SEO and why is it important for my website or blog?Most people often hear the term SEO and they have no clue what SEO is or what it does.Search Engine Optimization “SEO” is the process of improving a website’s or web page visibility on search engines.In other words, it’s the process of getting better ranking and results in a search engine.SEO is important because, being ranked in top 10 and having your web pages indexed in major search engines will result in unbelievable traffic.Which naturally leads to more readers, visitors, sales and ad revenue.Most website owners, bloggers and affiliate marketers often complain about their traffic and earnings.But how much SEO have they done?You can’t expect an amazing result in whatever you do if you do not put the time and effort into it.This is why most website owners just develop their websites but leave out SEO rules.
Keep in mind that driving traffic to your site or blog from search engines should be your #1 priority.Sure other types of promoting and advertising methods are also available, but just how much traffic can you drive and how long can you do this for is a big issue.This is why organic traffic from search engines is very important.
First lets have an understanding on how search engines work.

I hope that you have a bit more understanding of how search engines work.

There are many companies and individuals that promise better SEO for a ridiculous amount of fee.My recommendation would be to stay away from such services and focus on optimizing your blog/website on your own, using many tools available on the net today.

It isn't impossible to optimize your blog/website on your own.In fact it is the best path to follow, as you get to understand how your blog/website works along with search engines.You can adjust your optimization to your taste.

I hope this answers your question about SEO.


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