Friday 27 July 2012

All about DNS

Today we will talk about DNS (Domain name system).If you enter the world of web masters, hosting, creating websites, blogs and such, you will hear the term “DNS”, often.This is why, it is good to know and understand what you are dealing with.Remember, knowing about DNS can be important, as you may face issues regarding to DNS.
What is DNS?
DNS(Domain name system) simply translates the domain name and host name into IP addresses.It converts the domain name, which we input on our browser address bar into IP addresses, of the hosting server(s) of the website.The way how DNS works is, it stores the domain name and address information on a special database, distributed for all public hosts on internet.When the domain name entered on a browsers address bar, a software called DNS resolver comes into action and contacts the DNS server, in order to determine the servers IP address.Keep in mind, DNS(domain name system) will assume your IP address is static, which usually is and if your IP address is dynamic, DNS will not work. However there is such thing as DDNS(dynamic domain name system), which will work with dynamic IP addresses.
What is DNS propagation?
DNS propagation is the time, it takes for any changes or modifications you make to your DNS to take effect on all networks around the world.Keep in mind that, when you sign up with a web host or register a new domain name, it may not work right away as DNS propagation can take up to 24 hours.In some cases it may take less time or more.Keep in mind, if you can visit your website right away doesn’t mean other people can.It just means that, your DNS haven’t propagated to all networks around the world yet.
DNS progagation usually takes place, because of the following events;
  • Registering a new domain
  • Moving your domain to a new server
  • Making changes to your domain
Here are couple online tools to track the process of your DNS propagation.

I hope this article clears up your questions regarding to DNS.If you have any questions regarding to DNS or any issues about DNS, please mention it in the comments section and I will try to help you as soon as possible.


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